

Both undergraduate and graduate students should plan to register according to the published academic calendar. The Office of the Registrar will provide the necessary information to all students eligible for registration.

Applicants who have been offered admission to MEU but have not registered for the immediate semester must register the following semester; otherwise, they will forfeit their acceptance. Please inform the Registrar by email at if you intend to delay registration for one semester.


Undergraduate and graduate students must select their courses as offered each semester in consultation with their academic advisor. It is the responsibility of the students to familiarize themselves with the information in the Academic Catalog. It should be noted that:

  • Undergraduate students who are enrolled in the Freshman Class must enroll in required courses that will count toward meeting the equivalency criteria prior to registration for sophomore courses.
  • Remedial courses must be taken the first time they are offered after the student enrolls at MEU.
  • English language courses should be taken in sequence beginning with the first semester of study.
  • Undergraduate and Graduate students are required to take a minimum of one religious studies course for each academic year.
  • A failed course must be registered for the next time it is offered.
  • All prerequisite requirements must be fulfilled with a passing grade before the course for which they are a prerequisite begins.
  • A course may not be registered for more than twice (including withdrawals) without the pre-approval of the Academic Affairs Committee.

All students are required to pay the tuition and fees in full at the time of registration or make the proper financial arrangements with the Business Office. The right to register, to attend classes, or to take examinations will be revoked for students who have not cleared their accounts by the date(s) formerly agreed upon. Official transcripts and diploma's will not be issued without the Business Office clearance.


Lebanese students are required by law to register with the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) Medical Branch. Therefore, at the time of registration, students are required to present the following to the Office of the Registrar:

  • The complete social security application form obtained from the Office of the Registrar.
  • The family civil status record and a photocopy of the student's Lebanese identity card.
  • The NSSF annual fee.

If the student is already registered with the NSSF or is insured through a parent, an affidavit from the NSSF will suffice.


Students who register after official registration dates for the program will be charged a late registration fee. Students seeking to enter a class after the last official day to register will be denied registration unless the department chair and faculty member give special permission. If late registration is permitted, the student is still responsible to complete all assignments, including those given before the late registration.


Students can change selected courses during the drop/add period during first week of the semester (as indicated in the academic calendar). Courses that have been dropped during the drop/add period will not appear on the student's transcript. The drop/add process can be completed online.


MEU students may be granted permission to register for one or more courses at another recognized institution of higher education while studying at MEU. The cross-registered courses will be counted as transfer courses and will not count toward residency requirements. Students should ensure that:

  • MEU is not able to offer the required course in a semester prior to the completion of their program.
  • The cross-registered course is equivalent to the MEU course as specified in the course description.
  • Approval has been obtained from the chairperson of the department, the faculty dean, and the Academic Affairs Committee.
  • The approval document has been submitted to the supplementary institution.
  • The total number of academic credits is within the maximum load allowed at MEU.

Students should note that they may not cross-register for courses they have attempted at MEU, nor will cross-registration be allowed for students on academic probation.

Students from other universities who request cross-enrollment at MEU must:

  • Secure written approval from their institution.
  • Present the above documents to the Office of the Registrar at MEU.
  • Follow the registration procedure.

MEU operates on the semester system. The course load is expressed in semester credits. Each semester credit represents 150 minutes of student work per week for the duration of the semester (typically 15 weeks). This typically consists of one 50-minute class/lecture period per week per credit, and at least 100 minutes of student work for preparation and study.

When a course is scheduled over a period of less than 15 weeks, the same total amount of class time and/or student work is expected.


A full-time undergraduate student will register for between 12 and 17 credits per semester (and up to 6 credits for the summer session). While a summer session is not counted as a full semester, the courses offered are identical in content and standard to those offered during fall or spring semesters. Undergraduate students with less than 12 credits in a semester are classified as part-time students.

The chairperson of the department and/or the faculty dean may grant special exceptions to those who have demonstrated superior scholarship or are graduating. A student is never permitted to enroll in more than 20 credits during one semester.


Full-time graduate students may register for 8 to 12 credits per semester. Those who register for 7 credits or less will be considered part-time graduate students. The maximum load for a summer session is 6 credits. Loads exceeding 12 credits will require the approval of the chairperson of the department and the faculty dean. A graduate student is never permitted to enroll in more than 15 credits during one semester.


Students are issued identification cards at the time of Registration at MEU through the IT Department. The ID number/card is used in all MEU records and official documents. The card is renewed at registration time each fall semester and remains the property of MEU. A fee is charged for replacing a lost card.