The Department of Religion offers two undergraduate degrees to prepare Bible teachers and gospel ministers to serve the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the wider community. Degree students are provided in-depth instruction in biblical, theological, historical, ethical, and pastoral courses so as to be better equipped for a wide and relevant proclamation of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. The department also provides basic religion courses to meet the religion course requirement needs of the general education program.

The mission of the department is to involve both degree majors and general education students in:

The department offers the following degree programs:

Bachelor of Arts in Religion 2024-2026

The BA degree in Religion is offered to those who wish to become Bible teachers at elementary or secondary school levels, as one context for service includes education. Students must complete 129 credits resulting in the acquisition of the following outcomes and competencies:

Outcomes and Competencies
Learning Outcomes Competencies
A Spiritually Mature Leader a. Demonstrates a deep understanding of religious texts and biblical principles.
b. Exhibits strong moral character and ethical conduct.
c. Engages in regular spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and sharing personal religious experiences.
d. Demonstrates effective leadership skills in religious contexts.
An Effective Biblical and Theological Teacher a. Possesses expertise in teaching religious subjects through effective instructional techniques.
b. Utilizes creative teaching methods to actively engage students and enhance learning.
c. Shows a profound grasp of relevant biblical and theological concepts for classroom instruction.
d. Applies religious texts effectively and integrates theological principles into lesson plans, fostering critical thinking and spiritual growth in a supportive learning environment.
A Competent Cross-Cultural Missionary & Discipler a. Exhibits cultural sensitivity, effective communication skills, and knowledge of world religions, particularly focusing on the MENA region.
b. Engages in missionary work with compassion, respect, and adaptability, fostering spiritual growth and development in diverse contexts.
c. Demonstrates proficiency in discipleship and mentoring practices, supporting students' spiritual growth through teaching and guidance.
d. Integrates these skills and practices to effectively navigate cross-cultural interactions and promote understanding and empathy in religious contexts.
General Education Courses cr
CLST240 History and Culture of the Arabs 3
COMM211 Communication Skills 3
CPTR208 Foundations of Information Technology 2
ENLG211 English Composition I 3
ENLG212 English Composition II 3
HLED135 Wellness 360 3
PEAC___ Physical Education Course 1
RLGN290 Research Methods in Religious Studies 2
3 credits from:
ARAB101 Arabic for Beginners 3
ARAB211 Arabic Language Skills 3
3 credits from:
PSYC201 General Psychology 3
SOCI210 General Sociology 3
Core Courses cr
RLGN225 The Gospels 3
RLGN238 Biblical Spiritual Life 1
RLGN262 Personal Ministry 3
RLGN268 Music, Worship, and Liturgy 2
RLGN278 Biblical Hermeneutics 2
RLGN281 Introduction to World Religions 2
RLGN320 Studies in Daniel 3
RLGN322 Studies in Revelation 3
RLGN325 Old Testament Studies I 3
RLGN326 Old Testament Studies II 3
RLGN327 Old Testament Studies III 3
RLGN328 Acts and Epistles I 3
RLGN329 Acts and Epistles II 3
RLGN345 History of Seventh-day Adventism 3
RLGN375 Doctrines of the Adventist Faith 3
RLGN378 Prophetic Heritage 2
RLGN381 Introduction to the Religion of Islam 3
RLGN420 Foundations of Biblical Canon 2
RLGN425 The Bible as Literature 3
RLGN471 Christian Theology I 3
RLGN472 Christian Theology II 3
RLGN485 Theology of Mission 3
Cognate Courses cr
EDTE210 Foundations of Education 4
EDTE220 Principles of Teaching and Learning 3
EDTE311 Introduction to Religious Education 2
EDTE338 Methods of Teaching Religion 3
EDTE345 Educational Psychology 3
EDTE452 Classroom Testing and Evaluation 3
EDTE488 Student Teaching 3
EDTE495 Research in Education 1
PHIL245 Biblical Ethics 3
Total Credits 110
Bachelor of Arts in Theology 2024-2026

The BA degree in Theology is offered to those who desire to become gospel workers and pastors in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Students are introduced to various phases of gospel ministry and to the methods, principles, and procedures of biblical interpretation. It aims to develop skills required for effective proclamation of biblical faith through personal witness, preaching, teaching, and leadership in local, regional, and global communities. Courses are designed to enhance students' commitment to Jesus Christ and their involvement in the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Graduates will be prepared for ministry in any vocation in the world field-but especially Middle Eastern North African contexts or with people who come from the region. r Students must complete 127 credits esulting in the acquisition of the following outcomes and competencies:

Learning Outcomes Competencies
A Spiritually Committed Leader a. Demonstrates a deep commitment to spiritual growth and personal devotion.
b. Exhibits strong leadership skills in religious settings, fostering unity and collaboration.
c. Possesses effective communication abilities to convey spiritual principles and guidance.
d. Demonstrates a solid understanding of theological concepts and their practical application in ministry.
A Skillful Cross-Cultural Ministry Practitioner a. Shows proficiency in navigating diverse cultural contexts, particularly in Middle Eastern and North African regions.
b. Demonstrates adaptability and flexibility in cross-cultural interactions and ministry approaches.
c. Possesses strong interpersonal skills for building relationships across cultural boundaries.
d. Integrates cultural sensitivity and awareness into ministry practices, respecting diverse beliefs and traditions.
A Biblical-Based and Mission-Driven Pastor a. Displays a deep understanding of biblical teachings and principles, grounded in sound theological knowledge.
b. Exhibits a passion for mission and evangelism, actively engaging in outreach and community involvement.
c. Demonstrates effective pastoral care skills, providing spiritual support and guidance to individuals and communities.
d. Integrates biblical values and principles into decision-making processes and ministry strategies.

Who is a candidate?

MEU's BA in Theology program graduates will be better equipped to minister to individuals from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds in the MENA region exercising understanding, respect, and confidence.

General Education Courses cr
COMM211 Communication Skills 3
CPTR208 Foundations of Information Technology 2
ENLG211 English Composition I 3
ENLG212 English Composition II 3
HLED135 Wellness 360 3
PEAC___ Physical Education Course 1
PSYC201 General Psychology 3
RLGN290 Research Methods in Religious Studies 2
3 credits from:
ARAB101 Arabic for Beginners 3
ARAB211 Arabic Language Skills 3
Core Courses cr
RLGN225 The Gospels 3
RLGN238 Biblical Spiritual Life 1
RLGN252 Biblical Hebrew I 3
RLGN253 Biblical Hebrew II 3
RLGN255 New Testament Greek I 3
RLGN256 New Testament Greek II 3
RLGN262 Personal Ministry 3
RLGN268 Music, Worship, and Liturgy 2
RLGN278 Biblical Hermeneutics 2
RLGN281 Introduction to World Religions 2
RLGN295 Ministerial Praxis I 1
RLGN296 Ministerial Praxis II 1
RLGN320 Studies in Daniel 3
RLGN322 Studies in Revelation 3
RLGN325 Old Testament Studies I 3
RLGN326 Old Testament Studies II 3
RLGN327 Old Testament Studies III 3
RLGN328 Acts and Epistles I 3
RLGN329 Acts and Epistles II 3
RLGN341 History of the Christian Church I 3
RLGN342 History of the Christian Church II 3
RLGN345 History of Seventh-day Adventism 3
RLGN362 Pastoral Ministry 3
RLGN366 Biblical Preaching I 2
RLGN368 Conflict Management and Reconciliation 1
RLGN375 Doctrines of the Adventist Faith 3
RLGN378 Prophetic Heritage 2
RLGN381 Introduction to the Religion of Islam 3
RLGN395 Ministerial Praxis III 0
RLGN396 Ministerial Praxis IV 1
RLGN440 Biblical Archaeology 3
RLGN462 Pastoral Counseling 2
RLGN466 Biblical Preaching II 2
RLGN471 Christian Theology I 3
RLGN472 Christian Theology II 3
RLGN485 Theology of Mission 3
RLGN486 Missional Leadership 2
RLGN488 Church Planting 3
RLGN495 Ministerial Praxis V 1
RLGN496 Ministerial Praxis VI 1
RLGN498 Ministerial Praxis VII 1
RLGN499 Ministerial Praxis VIII 1
Cognate Courses cr
EDTE311 Introduction to Religious Education 2
PHIL245 Biblical Ethics 3
SOCI315 Marriage and Family Relations 2
Total Credits 127

NOTE: ARAB101 Arabic for Beginners (3) is for students who are non-Arabic speakers.

As with all other programs at MEU, students who do not have the Lebanese Baccalaureate or its equivalent must first meet the Freshman program requirements before starting the BA in Theology.

Ministerial Praxis

The eight Ministerial Praxis courses (Ministerial Praxis I-VIII) enable theology students to practice, strengthen, and refine their pastoral knowledge and skills in an authentic context while studying in their degree program at the University. These courses are required in addition to the practical aspects of ministerial-related courses such as Personal Ministry, Pastoral Ministry, Pastoral Counseling, Biblical Preaching I & II, and Church Planting. Short- and long-term field projects will be assigned to each student or student teams by the faculty dean in consultation with a faculty member, who will also describe the week days or weekends' task(s), assign the area(s), set the timeframe, and oversee the implementation of the requirements and the periodic reporting.

During each Fall Semester and Spring Semester, students in their sophomore, junior levels, or beyond, must register for RLGN295, 296, or RLGN 395, 396, or RLGN 495, 496, or RLGN 498, 499 respectively. The requirements for each of the praxis courses must be completed during each semester, whether Fall or Spring, for a total of 15 class sessions per semester. An 'S' or 'U' (satisfactory or unsatisfactory) designation will be given for each semester.

The involvement of the students in ministerial praxis should help them gain real experiences in places such as local churches and their community, centers of influence, evangelistic/church planting endeavors, university/school campus ministries/chaplaincy, etc. The course syllabus shall describe in detail the requirements of each praxis course.

During the Junior level, the students will be engaged in a summer-long Ministry Internship within the pastoral and service contexts of the Middle East North Africa Union Mission region.