Information for Graduate Students


Upon admission into the graduate study program, an academic advisor is assigned to the student. The advisor's task is to assist and guide the student in planning their course of study, to approve the student's course schedule, and to counsel the student about academic requirements and expectations.


The graduate courses are classified under two categories:

Graduate Level Courses

The graduate degree courses are numbered between 500 and 699. Graduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of 3.00 in all graduate courses. No more than two grades below "B-" and no grades below "C" are permitted. The passing grade for the thesis is "B".

Foundation Courses

Foundation courses may be required to fulfill deficiencies in a student's academic background. These courses should ideally be taken before beginning the graduate degree. In no case may a student enroll beyond 50% of the program credits without completing these courses. These courses do not count toward the graduate degree. The minimum passing grade for a foundation course is a "C". The student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 in the foundation courses.

Graduate level courses are generally taught during late afternoons and/or evenings.


Most master's programs at MEU require a written research thesis that must be successfully defended. The graduate thesis demonstrates a student's capacity for original, in-depth, and independent research work. The thesis must be written in English and must conform to the MEU's published research standards, which contain more information on the processes and procedures for writing a thesis at MEU.

In consultation with the student, the faculty dean assigns the student a research advisor and a thesis committee. The student is expected to write a research proposal, conduct the research, and write a thesis based on their research. The thesis committee evaluates the student's research proposal and thesis, both of which must be successfully defended by the student.

Research involving human subjects, such as surveys or interviews, requires authorization by the Research Committee, which serves as the university's ethics review panel.

Official forms must be completed at various stages of the thesis process. These forms are available on the university website or from the Research Director. All forms should be submitted to the Registrar once they have been completed and signed.

Incidents of plagiarism, fabrication of data, or other unethical practices evident in a thesis may result in disciplinary actions, including immediate dismissal of the student from the master's program.


Graduate students may register for Thesis credits once they completed 21 credits (including Research Methods) of graduate course work in their degree, provided their cumulative GPA is at least 3.00 and they have the consent of the faculty dean. Thesis registration must take place no later than the academic period following the completion of all degree coursework.

After 6 Thesis credits have been earned, students must register for Thesis Continuation (0 credits) every term (fall, spring, and summer) until they completely finish their thesis.

Students must remain registered after thesis defense until all the corrections have been accepted, the printed thesis has been submitted for binding, and the signed Thesis Completion Form has been submitted to the Office of the Registrar.

Time Limits

The total time permitted for any master's degree is 6 years. Students in a thesis master's program are encouraged to conduct their research and complete their thesis within 1 year. However, students have a maximum of 2 years from the first enrollment in thesis credits to com- plete the thesis.

Restarting includes adherence to the current catalog regulations and may require a new proposal defense. The 6-year time limit from their initial registration for courses still applies.

If a student does not finish their thesis within 2 years, then they lose their active student status, and the incomplete thesis credits will receive a failing grade. However, if a student's circum- stances make it difficult for them to complete the thesis on time, the student may apply for a one-year extension. Application for an extension is made to the Academic Affairs Committee through their research advisor and faculty dean. If an inactive student wishes to re-activate their status beyond the approved time, they will have to re-apply for the degree. Restarting the degree includes adherence to the current Catalog regulations and may require a new proposal defense. The 6-year time limit from their initial registration for courses still applies.


Students who wish to participate in graduation ceremonies must meet the following deadlines:

  • Thesis defense date: no less than 3 weeks before graduation
  • Thesis Completion Form completed and signed: no less than 1 week before graduation.