Language Institutes


The English Institute is a full-time English program that aims to help students develop the language skills needed to function in English and the academic skills needed to succeed in university. The program is designed to improve English comprehension and speaking, as well as reading and writing skills through the study of reading, grammar, vocabulary, composition, and oral and aural practice.

The English Language Institute offers basic, intermediate, and advanced preparatory university-level language courses for students wishing to learn or improve their English. Students are placed in one of the three levels based on their English language entrance examination score. The basic and intermediate levels consist of four courses in each level (Reading, Writing, Listening/Speaking, and Grammar), for a total of 20 class hours per week, and the advanced level consists of three courses (Reading, Writing, and Grammar), for a total of 15 hours per week.

Students at the Intermediate level may be allowed to take a Physical Education course or an Arabic course with permission from the Language Institute coordinator. Students at the Advanced level are allowed to take one or two university courses as directed by their academic advisor.

Students may attend the English Language Institute whether or not they intend to pursue a degree at Middle East University. The credits earned in the English Language Institute are not counted toward any degree offered by Middle East University.

Placement Scores

The table below shows the required placement test scores for entry to each level of English.

Basic* 325-399 24-46 4.0-4.5 65-75
Intermediate 400-474 47-64 5.0 80
Advanced 475-524 65-75 5.5 100
Cleared ** 525 76 6 110

*Students who score below this level may be able to participate in Beginner level courses.

**Undergraduate scores required for matriculation.

Students who test below the minimum level required for admission to the Basic Level of the English Language Institute may be allowed to enter under a special program for Beginners. This program aids true Beginners in preparing themselves for more advanced English language learning. This level is offered based on need, and there is not usually enough demand every semester. For this reason, students who are Beginners should make arrangements with the English Language Institute before planning to start their studies.

Passing Grades and Promotion

To be promoted from the Basic Level to the Intermediate Level and from the Intermediate Level to the Advanced Level, students must achieve an average of not less than "C" across the four courses, with no grade below "C-" Upon successful completion of all three levels, the student may receive a formal letter of completion. To be promoted out of the English Language Institute, students in the Advanced Level must achieve an average of not less than "C" across all courses, with no grade lower than "C-." A student at the Advanced Level who achieves an average of "B+" with no grade less than "B" across all courses may take English Composition I without an English Placement Test or the remedial Introduction to Academic English cours

Students who complete the Advanced English Level with the required grade may begin their university degree program. Students who do not pass their English Language Institute courses with the required grades must either repeat the level or pass one of the official placement tests with the scores indicated above.

English Level Cr
ENLI100 Beginning Grammar 4
ENLI101 Beginning Speaking and Listening 4
ENLI102 Beginning Writing 4
ENLI110 Basic Grammar 4
ENLI111 Basic Speaking and Listening 4
ENLI112 Basic Writing 4
ENLI113 Basic Reading 4
ENLI120 Intermediate Grammar 4
ENLI121 Intermediate Speaking and Listening 4
ENLI122 Intermediate Writing 4
ENLI123 Intermediate Reading 4
ENLI130 Advanced Grammar 4
ENLI131 Advanced Writing 4
ENLI132 Advanced Reading and Discussion 4
Total Credits 56

The Arabic Language Institute offers non-credit and credit university courses in the Arabic language at various levels for students whose mother tongue is not Arabic and who have never received formal studies in the Arabic language.

The institute aims to meet the increasing demand to learn the Arabic language. Students will be offered speaking and listening training, as well as writing to assist in improving their understanding of the Arabic-speaking culture.

Classes are offered at the basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. Students may begin at the Basic Level. Upon completing the Basic Level, they will be promoted to the Intermediate Level and subsequently to the Advanced Level. Students must achieve an aggregate of not less than a "C" grade to be promoted from one level to the other. Upon successful completion of all three levels, the student will receive a formal letter of completion.

Basic Arabic Level Cr
ARAB110 Basic Grammar 3
ARAB120 Basic Conversation 3
ARAB130 Basic Writing 3
ARAB140 Basic Reading 3
Total Credits 12

Intermediate Arabic Level Cr
ARAB210 Intermediate Grammar 3
ARAB220 Intermediate Conversation 3
ARAB230 Intermediate Writing 3
ARAB240 Intermediate Reading 3
Total Credits 12

Advanced Arabic Level Cr
Total Credits 0


The Arabic Language and Culture Program runs during the academic year and is divided into two academic semesters, Fall and Spring. Students participating in the program receive instruction in the Arabic language with classes focused on conversation, grammar, vocabulary, and writing, as well as spiritual life and service in an Arabic context.

Along with the classes, students participate in cultural and service-oriented outings throughout the academic year, traveling to various historic and iconic destinations within Lebanon and other nearby Middle Eastern countries. Through their participation, students gain a broader worldview as well as experience the various historical and archaeological sites visited within the context of the great controversy, the history of the church, and its continued mission today. The program provides a comprehensive orientation to the region's unique spiritual/ moral needs and the opportunity for personal development towards a life of service to people hailing from these Middle Eastern and North African countries.

Tuition for the program is based on covering the expenses of the entire program including course credits, room, board, food, cultural tours, and fees. Trips outside of Lebanon include visits to the United Arab Emirates and Jordan. Turkey may be visited as well depending on the program's enrollment in a given year.

The program is directly affiliated with Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA), which is managed from the offices of the North American Division (NAD). Students at Seventh-day Adventist consortium schools in North America and Australia can participate in the program while remaining enrolled at their home institutions. Prospective students not attending one of the consortium schools have the choice to apply and register through a consortium institution or apply directly to MEU for admission.

Admission requirements for students applying through ACA can be found on their website (www.aca-noborders. com). All other interested students should follow the normal admissions procedures of MEU when applying.